It's Really Happening

It's kind of crazy. I've known for a while now that I was heading to America. I knew it was coming up, but now... it's real...

It's kind of crazy. I've known for a while now that I was heading to America.

I knew it was coming up, but now... it's really sinking in that I'm going.

I have officailly done everything I need to do before heading off. The last piece of the puzzle was getting my visa, which I now have in my passport, ready for me to go.

Now all I need to do is last another three weeks and a couple of days.

It's come up so quickly yet not quick enough. 

I can't wait to get over there, to get stuck in with the job and meet some amazing people.

It's actually sinking in now that I will be going on the biggest trip of my life thus far in less than a month! I remember when there was still 100 days to go!

I am nervous and excited all rolled into one, and I just know I won't be getting any sleep the night before I go.

I'm planning on having more post in the next few weeks that don't involve me blabbing on about my trip {one of which will be an awesome DIY} but you have to understand, this is a huge deal for me.
Also, as a side note, do you know how hard it is to make a playlist that you won't be able to alter very much for a whole 4 months?! I can't commit to music! It's too hard.

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