Dear friend...
Dear friend...
I know you may not read this, but it is something I need to say.
I am not sorry for the fact we are at different stages in our lives, we are the same age, but our lives are completely different. Your life is part time working, and partying. My life is being a mother and study.
I am sorry for the fact that you can't see that I don't mean to blow you off, but Master L is my first priority, and if he's sick that means staying at home, not going shopping, or out for lunch.
I am sorry for the fact that you can't sit in the seat in front of him in the car because you can't stand him kicking the back of it.
I am sorry that you get upset when I am too busy juggling study and being a full time Mum to do anything.
I am sorry that you don't understand that I can have fun without going out and partying. That a good night to me is sitting in watching dvds/having a bath/reading a book.
What I hope, is that the next time I can't come and see you, you will understand that I'm not doing it to be cruel, and there is a legitimate reason.
I also hope that one day, you will be able to experience the craziness and joy that is motherhood, and then you will understand where I am coming from.
I hope you will have many wonderful moments when it is your turn.
Moments like these when they fall asleep in their pram for the first time in ages.
Or moments like these, when they are dressed up to go to their first friends(not families) birthday party, but want to wear their gumboots not shoes
I hope that one day soon, you will see that it's not nice for you to ignore me for more than a week, all because I couldn't keep our plans.