Back to School

Yes, it's that time of year again! Last Monday L started school for the year again, which he was excited for. The holidays seemed...

Yes, it's that time of year again!

Last Monday L started school for the year again, which he was excited for.

The holidays seemed like they went forever this year, though maybe that's just because I was working for pretty much all of them.

It's crazy to believe what this year is going to bring for us as a family.

L will be six. I'm going to miss a bit of the school year with him, but I'm going to try my best to make the part of the year that I am here amazing for him. 

I'm going to be more active with the things I get involved in with school. My work hours may limit my ability to do that, but I will try my best.

When I look at this picture, I see my baby, but I see him as a growing boy, who before I know it will be ready to leave home.

It makes me sad with how quickly the years ahead of us will go, but I want to make sure they are filled with only positives.

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