
Easter Weekend Wrap Up

I sat down to do this post on Tuesday... Five minutes into it, I got the sudden urge to become productive and do some sewing. This hasn...

I sat down to do this post on Tuesday... Five minutes into it, I got the sudden urge to become productive and do some sewing.

This hasn't been happening a lot lately, but I'm glad it did. I tested out some new patterns I have made and will share the results tomorrow! It's exciting.

So now, a week from when I left on my small holiday, you will get the wrap up post.

We left on Thursday afternoon and went up to Hanmer for the weekend. I had never been before, and let me tell you this... I loved it! What a lovely wee town, and even when I didn't want to spend $30+ to get L and myself into the pools, there was still other things to do.

My mum, with working for the military, was lucky enough to get the ballot for the holiday housing that they have there. It was a great wee house we stayed in, and what was even better was that on the same property, there were two other houses. L made some friends over the weekend, who are the children of someone mum works with. It was nice to see him playing and having fun with some other kids for once. I think he gets  bit lonely when he's not at daycare.

So over our weekend we went to the pools, played some mini golf, explored the town, went to a small animal farm, and then went to the pools some more.

L had a fantastic time, and was so excited that the Easter Bunny still knew where he was. Funny that... the kids next door even invited him to join in on their hunt.

How was your Easter weekend?

P.S. I've noticed that Google Reader is going to close down soon, so I have made my blog followable through Bloglovin!  Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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