December is creeping up on us quickly. It feels like only yesterday we were in June and December and Christmas were months away, and now? We're about 39 days out from Christmas, not to mention my birthday just before that.
This is crazy!
The years go by so much faster as you get older.
So with that all said, is it too early for gingerbread men to start being made? Most people class them as Christmas baking correct?
How early is too early?
This must be the second time that I've worked with royal icing, and boy it can be tricky to get the consistency right, but I got there in the end, mostly, and they were looking good until some little fingers decided to go touching when they weren't completely dry.
But that's okay, I think they still look good.
I got the recipe from Annabel Langbein's website, and that can be found here.
It was super easy to follow, and although it doesn't look like much dough, it did make a lot of cookies. I didn't even ice them all because there were too many for me to do at once!
There's just something about gingerbread and Christmas that I love. I want to make a gingerbread house, but I'm not sure yet if I will or not. We'll see.
Happy baking everyone.