Don't Be Sorry Because I'm Single

With Valentines day approaching, I've started to see a lot of posts around the blogging world from people who are married, or in relati...

With Valentines day approaching, I've started to see a lot of posts around the blogging world from people who are married, or in relationships.

The one thing a lot of these blog posts have in common? They're all letters to their single friends. Telling them not to worry, the right person will come along when the time is right, or that God hasn't forgotten about them. Things along these lines.
There is something about these posts that just irks me, and I think that I have finally put my finger on what exactly it is.

All of these posts are assuming that their single friends don't want to be single. That they're just wanting to be exactly like them and be in a relationship. And while this may be the case for some singles, I really think it's not fair of everyone to assume that every single friend of theirs has this mind set.

So here's what I want to put out to you, all of you who think that us singles are just waiting for our next relationship. Some of us aren't.

While sometimes it would be nice to have someone around to keep me company, overall, I am HAPPY being single.

My happiness does not depend on whether or not there is another person in my life, and I really don't want you feeling sorry for me because I'm single.

Don't pity me because I'm not in a relationship, or try and offer your condolences for my being alone this Valentines day. It's not going to be the first, or the last, that I have spent alone.

Some people want to be single, and that's perfectly fine by me.

So the next time you find yourself feeling sorry for your single friends, think about how they would feel. Would they want you to pity them? Or would they get annoyed at the pity because they're perfectly happy as they are, and a relationship doesn't define that happiness?

A photo posted by Tammy (@tammyroses) on

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