
The Girl Behind the Blog - Inner Foodie

Welcome to the first edition of Tammy being super awkward! Yes that's right. I have made a vlog to link up with the Girl Behind the...

Welcome to the first edition of Tammy being super awkward!

Yes that's right. I have made a vlog to link up with the Girl Behind the Blog, monthly link up {Button including link at bottom of post}

I hate, absolutely hate recording myself, so this was really strange for me to do.

I will warn you now. It is awkward. I look down and away a lot, generally at my hands. My words are stumbly, and my thoughts not put together gracefully. But that is life!

I'm actually quite a big 'hand talker' and I move my hands a lot, so I was trying really hard not to do that as much in this video.

I tried about 5 times to do this, ended up giving up for a while, and went back to it. I then decided to do it in one go, and just put up what I got, so here it is.

The Girl Behind The Blog- Your Inner Foodie
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long
Do you have a food philosophy? (gluten free, vegan, whole foods, whatever is easiest, kid friendly,etc)
If you could only have two foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Do you have a favorite food blogger or place for inspiration?
Share a favorite recipe or link with us!

I hope that wasn't too horrible to watch. I'm sure my vlogging skills will get better in time.

{Go here for the link up!}

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