Do you remember when you were young? The joy that you would get from finding a ladybug, or ladybird, whichever you want to call it.
The way you would try and get it to climb onto your finger, and then trying to stay still as it tickled you from it's tiny legs as it walked all over?
Don't you wish that you could find that joy again?
I'm so happy that L has the same joy when it comes to ladybugs. Every time he sees one, he tries to pick it up, and he also loves saving them from the pool, bringing them to me to tell me that he saved it from drowning.
Sometimes I forget just how young L is, or I compare the things he does to what I was doing at that age, because it's an age I have memories from. His sense of awe with smaller things, and the excitement he gets from some things just surprises me.
There are many times that I wish I can remember what it's like to be that way, to understand what's going through his mind. I try my best, I really do, but sometimes it's hard.
So, whenever I see a little ladybug, I will just remember the way that L's eyes light up. The way he handles them so carefully, and I'll remember to take some care and be tender as well.