Hey everyone! Back again for another travel tips post.
I'm just going to do a quick summary of tips of how I get ready for travelling.
Now, a road trip is completely different to a plane trip, and a lot of these tips can be easily used for both, but I'm going to focus mainly on tips for getting ready for plane trips, as personally I feel like they are more stressful.
I won't be including any tips for travelling with children, because honestly? The last time I took a flight with L was four years ago now, and it was only a three hour flight, so it wasn't all that bad and he was super easy to fly with!
So, here are my tips for getting ready to travel.
If you're anything like me, you'll be double and triple checking you
have all your documents. I even check about three times on the
way to the airport because I'm so worried about missing something out.
I hope these tips come in handy. I know some of them may be pretty obvious, but you would be surprised. Oh and one final tip? Get travel insurance. You may not end up needing it, but if you don't have it and you get hurt or something happens, that's a lot of money coming out of your own pocket. So be smart about this!