
Why I Love My Blue Eyes

I'm a real sucker for eyes. A lot of the time, the first thing I will notice about someone is there eyes. What colour they are. How vibr...

I'm a real sucker for eyes. A lot of the time, the first thing I will notice about someone is there eyes. What colour they are. How vibrant the colour is.

It's a strange thing, but everyone has that initial thing that they notice and for me, it's most definitely eyes.

I love my eyes. For those who know me, you'll know this already.

Why do I love my eyes?

I absolutely LOVE the colour. They are the most vibrant blue, and they change all the time through different shades.

I remember once being told that my eyes looked like they were barely blue, a crystal blue almost.

My eyes can definitely give away my mood. Not because I look tired or anything like that, but because of the shade of blue they are.

I've found that when I'm not feeling the best, or I'm tired or sad, my eyes are a deeper colour of blue. And when I'm happy, they're a lighter, brighter colour. More vibrant.

I love my blue eyes, and I would never want to change them.

The thing I love most about them, is that L got them as well.

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