Peach Sorbet

How is everyone? I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year. And if you don't celebrate these, I hope you had a good...(inser...

How is everyone? I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year. And if you don't celebrate these, I hope you had a good...(insert holiday here).
After hinting so much to my parents/anyone who would listen, I still didn't get an Ice Cream Maker for my birthday/Christmas =(... so I instead used some money I had saved and got one for myself. My first attempt at using it came out with this 


It tastes so amazingly good, and it was so easy. I must say my Ice Cream Maker is now my favourite piece of equipment. The recipe was from the instruction book, if it is wanted, comment and I can give it to you.

Until next time, Happy cooking everyone.

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