Running Low

Those days where you just don't want to get outside. When you don't want to leave the comfort of the couch and go anywhere. Those d...

Those days where you just don't want to get outside. When you don't want to leave the comfort of the couch and go anywhere. Those days when you just... ugh... {I feel like that should make sense, but you know, sometimes I don't make any sense at all}

Those days when you feel like you're running low.

Today started as one of those days. But my motto for this year? Turn the bad days into good ones.

I will try to do this as much as I possibly can.

And of course, L had a huge part to do with it.

We had already had a really long day today. We were both tired and cranky, but then he wanted to help Poppa build his hut, and when Poppa told him that he desperately needed two bits of wood to be nailed together, L eagerly got the hammer and started to do the job... completely clueless of the fact that he didn't actually need the pieces of wood.

That made me smile. It's things like this that remind me that he is still young. He is still vulnerable and will believe nearly anything you tell him.

I need to start remembering this more often. Maybe then I will stop and think about why he's doing these things, or asking these questions, before getting angry with him.

I need to remember that he is only young once.

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