Why I Enjoy Writing
I'm terrible with speaking. Absolutely Terrible.
I can never seem to get the words right, and my thoughts get all jumbled up and then I stop making sense. I also have the problem of worrying that something I'm saying out loud being wrong.
I will repeatedly find myself giving an opinion or asking a question, only to quickly follow it up with a timid and very unsure 'no?'
For as long as I can remember, I have always hated speaking in front of a group of people. As soon as I start, all I can concentrate on is the way my face is burning up. The way my hands are shaking, unable to hold anything still.
It doesn't matter if it's a planned speech or not, I will always, always mess up what I'm saying. I will mispronounce words that I definitely knew how to say.
That's why I like writing.
It's easier for me to get all my thoughts out on paper, or in a blog post, than it is to speak about them. I can vent, I can write whatever I like. It may not make sense sometimes, but the words come out of me via my hands a lot better than they do from my mouth.
Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of times where I will write something out, only to delete it and never have it seen by anyone but myself, but sometimes that's what I need.
There have been a few times that I've written up a blog post only to delete it, because all I really needed to do was rant. It's like a deletable journal.
Maybe one day I will get better with speaking, and stop doubting myself about if I sound stupid or not, but for now I am happy with sticking to writing.