I love this time of year. I absolutely love it. There's just something about the magic that is Christmas. It's crazy how many people agree with me on this as well.
It's not even just Christmas. It's the fact that I get to spend time with my family. And the excitment of starting yet another new year, no matter how fast they seem to be going by. Not to mention my birthday too, which also, the time between those seems to be going too fast.
This year is the first where there's really been any decorating other than a tree in our house, and it's low key, but I'm sure that's appreciated.
I could go all out if I wanted to, but I decided to spare my family.
I got to choose the colours for the tree and decorate it myself! I was so excited. It's the first time I've done it myself, and while I'm not extremely happy with it, I'm still pretty proud. One year I will have one of those amazing trees that so many people seem to have.
I got the prints from here. All I did with them was cut them to size {In this case I printed them at 8x10 size} and then used a PVA/water mix to glue them to some canvas boards. Mod Podge can be used too, I just didn't have any on hand at the time.
I've also started a new tradition this year, that I've seen around. It's my own version of an Advent Calander. L has a pile of books under the tree all wrapped up. Each night he gets to open one and then it's his bedtime story. They aren't all Christmas related, but that doesn't matter. So far he's loving it.
What is a tradition that you love about Christmas?