I'm sorry for my lack of posts. I'm here then I'm not, then I'm back again. It's awfully confusing, and awfully hard.
I have been trying so, so, hard to get some posts together, but in all honesty, I am exhausted.
It's school holidays at the moment, which means I am working extremely long hours at my new job. I'm talking 50+ hours a week. It just leaves me exhausted. And there's not time to take pictures for post content. There's just no time for much at all.
I get home and I want to sleep. I don't, but I don't do much else, especially not anything that involves thinking about what I will write in my next blog post.
At the moment, I'm not only physically exhausted, but I'm mentally exhausted too. I've been starting to stress over finding a teaching job next year.
I'm waiting to hear back from a school that I applied with who seemed interested in me, and I'm continuing to apply for other teaching jobs around my area, but in reality, I'm starting to lose hope.
I don't want to lose hope. I want to feel confident that I will get a job, but with the increasing number of 'thanks but no thanks', that I'm getting, I'm becoming less and less confident. I've had barely any relief work. I've had one interview in the whole two years since I've been out of Uni, it's just not looking good.
So now, I'm wondering what to do now. If I don't get a teaching job for next year, what am I going to do? The job I'm in is great, but it's only part time, and as a single parent, I really can't afford to stay in a part time job. It's just not realistic.
I really don't know what to do, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Maybe I'll do some more study.