Diary series
Diary Series...Someday
I have decided to start a little thing I'm calling my diary series. I might even start a link up for it, we'll just see.
Each Sunday, I'm going to post each of these. It will go on for 20 weeks. Some weeks the topics may be a bit more in depth than others, but I will do my best. My goal for this project is to let people see more about me, and the way I view the things that happen in my life. I'm not looking to push beliefs on anyone or anything like that. It is my safe way of showing my views and opinions. I look forward to your comments!
Today's topic is someday. Take that in any way you want to. Today I will take it in the form of 'Someday I will'...
Someday, I will make sure that I follow my dreams. For now, I know I talk a lot about dreams and what I want to do with my life, for example, getting my business off the ground. But in reality, I'm just not doing much to help that happen.
One day, hopefully in the near future, I will find the motivation I need to be able to start realising these goals of mine.
Someday I will travel. I have a long list of places that I want to visit, but at the moment, a lack of funds just makes it impossible for me to make them happen. In a way I'm being more pro-active about this, and the fact that I have a teaching degree helps.
Recently I've been looking into working overseas and teaching English, or even just moving to Australia and using my degree there. If there is one thing I don't want to do, it's waste four years at university and a $25,000 student loan, to end up working in a job that has nothing to do with it.
Someday I want to be able to be a stay at home mumma again. I do want more children, and I do want to get married and be a wife, but at this particular point in time, it's not a thing that will be happening any time soon, as my career is my biggest focus right now.
It may sound selfish, or like I don't care. But in all honesty, I think it means I care more. I want to be able to show L, and any future children, that I do have goals, and I have done my best in life to meet and acomplish these goals.
Someday, I will make someone proud.