Blog Every Day in May: What Makes Me Uncomfortable
So, wandering around blogs and following links from many different blogs can lead you to some wonderful places.
One of these places I have found to be Story Of My Life, who this month is urging us to get back to blogging because we want to. To stop feeling pressured about the posts being perfect etc. I think this is a reason I've stopped blogging as much as I was previously. I find it hard to think about what to write sometimes.
That is why the Blog Every Day in May challenge is perfect for me. Essentially, every day in May, there is a prompt. Now, I may not get there every day, but I will try my best.
I will still do my ordinary posts and link ups that I sometimes participate in, but this is a nice way for me to get my thoughts out, and for you to learn a bit more about me. I have missed a couple of days, but I plan on catching them up.
Today's topic is the things that make me uncomfortable. I'm going to bullet point this list to make it a bit more cohesive and easier to read.
- People touching me when I don't want them to - I love hugs, and I am a hugger. If I met you, I would probably hug you. But I'm meaning like, when someone puts one of those really light touches to your arm or somewhere and it gives you the shivers... do you know what I mean? Master L even does that to me sometimes and it creeps me out so much I have to tell him to stop doing it. He then proceeds to find it funny that I'm squirming and does it more.
- When people are watching me - I think this comes down to the fact that I don't particularly like being centre of attention. I have terrible stage fright, and unless I'm with my friends, I most likely will sit there quietly, only adding my two cents every now and then.
- People who chew loudly when they eat and people who breath loudly - I have recently found out that this is actually a part of Misphonia.
- Social situations - Can I put this? When I'm first in a social situation where I don't know anyone, I am extremely awkward or come off as a B****. But! Once I get talking to someone, and get to know some people, I'm a completely different person.
That's all that I can think of for now, I'm sure there are more but when you're not being made to feel uncomfortable, you can't really think of them.
Here's the button if you want to check out the Blog Every Day in May Challenge!