So... it was that time of year again. Birthday party time.
I am still in denial that Master L turns 5 tomorrow. I don't want him to grow up. It's crazy, and the last five years have gone so quickly.
I will have a full post in a couple of days with a wee story about him over the past five years. For now, I'm just going to show off the awesome cake I made for him!
He wanted a rainbow, superhero cake. I had Friday night to make it, and this is what I came up with.
The 'Super L' was made from royal icing. I printed off the image, and put some baking paper on top of it and piped it on. I left it to dry for a day and very carefully transferred it to the top of the cake.
Half of the colours in the cake were made using gel colours, and half using ordinary liquid ones. There was no dulling of colours like I thought there would be, though in icing is when I find the dulling happens.
There is a thin layer of lemon swiss meringue buttercream between each layer of cake, and the 'spikes' on the outside are swiss meringue that had gone almost like marshmallow.
The party was a hit. He had an amazing time, and even the rain couldn't stop us. Thank you community halls!
Linking up at Fun with Food