
Little League Man

L has started playing league, and in the weekend he had his first game which went much better than i had expected it to. It took him a ...

L has started playing league, and in the weekend he had his first game which went much better than i had expected it to.

It took him a while to want to get out there and play, but he did, and he had fun doing it so that's the main thing.

He loves it too. Every day he asks me if he has rugby, it goes a little like this.

L: Do I have rugby today?
Me: No, not today...
L: Awww {Insert sad pouty face}
It's nice that he's so interested and excited in playing, and I know that as the season goes on he will be more confident in playing.

He just doesn't smile properly anymore... It took me about 7 tries to get a semi decent picture, but that's okay!
Also I'm moving house next week! I move so much!

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